Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Dr. Ram P. Kharade
M.Sc.(Hort), Ph.D.
  • India is an Agricultural Country, about 60 to 70% of our population depends on agriculture. To increase the crop productivity is our prime responsibility and this is possible only when we give the recent knowledge in agriculture to the young generation admitted for taking education also to cater the needs in globalization, quality becomes a dominant factor of success in every sector of the economy and this includes quality agriculture education. Smt. Sumitrabai Andhare College of Agriculture, Shirla Andhare through its path breaking start, has the way for all irrespective of race, color, nationality & religion who want to do Agriculture Education. Provides a safe and intellectually challenging environment that will empower students to become innovative thinker, creative problem solver and inspired learners prepared to thrive in the twenty first century. High standards and expectations for each student in regard to academic performance, co-curricular participation and responsible citizenship are the foundation of our college. It is with pride that we hold these high standards and ask each of our student to commit to maintaining the extraordinary record of achievement & contribution that has been the legacy of college of agriculture students. It is the contribution of our student to our college community that makes college of Agriculture an expectational learning community. Smt. Sumitrabai Andhare Collage of Agriculture Shirla Andhare endowed with progressive futuristic outlook aims continual growth in the quality of all academic activities with a sense of commitment to fully meet the expectations of the students, parents and society at large.